Antique American Log Cabins, the experts in combining the best of early log cabin construction techniques with the best modern green building practices. Antique Am. Log Cabins searches nation wide for old log cabins suitable for conservation. We look at 20 - 25 vintage cabins before one is found that meets our quality standards for log cabin restoration.
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Wakatomika, Ohio Old Log Cabin
This Beautifull Hand Hewn Old Log Cabin Comes From An Area Of Ohio That Is Steeped in Early Settler History
The craftmanship of this old Ohio log cabin is superb and is a testament to the skill of the early log cabin builders. Click here for a brief history of the area in which this old log cabin was located.More info on. Wakatomika, Ohio History.

BRIEF HISTORY: Wakatomika is named after the Shawnee village of Wakatomika, which was located along the Muskingum River near the present day site of Dresden, Ohio. The site of this Shawnee (Native American) village known as Wakatomika, which gave its name to Wakatomika Creek, the creek that empties into the Muskingum River near the northern edge of the village. These were the eastern-most of the Shawnee villages, and the home of the most hostile of that tribe. David Zeisberger, the Moravian missionary, preached there in 1773 in an effort to convert them; but the wrongs done to Chief Logan and other Ohio Native Americans were discussed at this place with much rancor, and war parties had been going out from here against the white settlers in spite of attempts by the Delaware (tribe) to intercede.[4] On August 7, 1774,[5] Colonel Angus McDonald brought 400 men from Fort Pittsburg in the Wakatomika Campaign of Lord Dunmore's War to fight the Shawnee. The settlement of Wakatomika, as well as four, other villages was burned to the ground and three chiefs were taken prisoner.